Understand your Digital Inclusion Policies

Digital Inclusion Evaluation Service

Our Evaluation helps you to understand the impact of your digital inclusion project, enabling you to prove how successful your project has been at creating change, and where it could be improved so it has an even greater impact.

Let Us Evaluate Your Digital Inclusion Policies

Smart Consult | Salesforce & Mulesoft Experts
Smart Consult & Research - Innovation. Management.

About Us

We are committed to producing high quality outputs and work flexibly with clients to ensure that we meet their needs, without compromising research integrity.  We adhere to high professional research standards and competencies and operate a set of principles to ensure that the dignity and respect of research participants are always upheld.

Research for the UK digital strategy suggests that there are a number of important barriers to digital inclusion, and more than one may affect individuals at any one time. These include access; skills; confidence, and motivation.

Recent articles discuss the barriers to digital inclusion, and people likely to be digitally excluded.

Our Digital Inclusion Evaluation Service enables you to:

Prove What You Do To Others

We show the impact your project is having on service users (e.g., participants on a training course)

Improve What You Do

We show you where your project could be improved so that it has an even greater impact

Join The Digital Revolution

Help to build a picture of digital inclusion services across the UK and Worldwide

Help Reduce Digital Exclusion

Support further funding and investment in improving Digital Inclusion

Our values and approach

Stakeholder participation:

Involving beneficiaries and other stakeholders from the start ensures that we focus on what matters most to those directly affected.


An evaluation process which is open and clear enables others to judge for themselves the quality of the evidence, increasing confidence in our results.

Outcome-based Measurement:

Measuring outcomes, rather than outputs, ensures that we evaluate both the quality and effectiveness of your service. It is only outcomes that can tell you whether a change has taken place for beneficiaries.

Digital Inclusion Outcome Areas

The diagram below summarises the main outcome areas relevant to projects that promote digital inclusion. Most projects
will only touch on a handful of these outcome areas, and we use the information from our stakeholder engagement to select the outcome areas that are relevant to your project and evaluation.

Experienced Digital Inclusion Evaluation Services

Smart Consult & Research - Digital Inclusion Evaluation

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Smart Consult | Salesforce & MuleSoft Experts

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